Hello everyone! Geomatics Engineering Society is in the great campaign organized by NAXA. NAXA a Geo-IT company based in Kathmandu, Nepal that holds specific expertise in digital mapping, geodata management and development of map-centric applications is on a mission to map vulnerable, remote, and disaster-prone locations of Bajhang and Bajura districts of Sudurpaschim Province as a part of “Local Trails and Community Infrastructure Mapping for Emergency Preparedness and Response” being implemented by @WFPNepal. We have organized an orientation session on 2nd August. The orientation session was followed by a series of technical training and remote mapping sessions. We also had mappers who shared their stories of OSM and remote mapping. Every enthusiastic youths are encouraged to apply and contribute in this campaign. #MappingTheUnmapped #MappingBajhangBajura #MappingRemoteness #NepaliMaps #NAXA #MappingLocaltrails #MappingInfrastrcuture #YouthMappers #WFPNepal #RemoteMapping2020 For any Quires: +977 9860895302 Rabi Shrestha Secretary, GES